Apr 4, 2016

Baby Soft Skin

One of the key things to looking your best is great skin. People always talk about exfoliating your skin, and there are so many different ways to do so. Frank's coffee scrub is one of the oddest but best scrubs I have ever done.

When I first opened the bag I was over taken by the smell of coffee {not really sure what I was expecting...it is a coffee scrub lol} Then I got in the shower and began to rub in the scrub into my skin in circular motions. I kept it on for 10 mins {while I took the pictures ;)} Once I rinsed it off it was amazing my skin was so smooth. My skin felt like a baby's butt. 

My only disclaimer is that is does get pretty messy, don't use white towels... and be ready to clean your shower after, but it's worth it!


✤ ✤ ✤

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