Aug 5, 2014

Art Entertainment

My portrait by Erin Una Art
During swim week last month I attended Miami Splashion and was blown away by this amazing artist Erin Una. As I was wondering around taking a look at all the booths they had set up for the event, I had to stop the moment I saw this artist sketching the portrait of a girl on her digital note pad! It automatically took me back to central park when I was just a child having my portrait painted in charcoal by a street artist. It is amazing to see how far we have come with technology and how artist have used new tools to expand their art, as well as making it into a business.

Erin Una has many artists who work for her in Miami and New York. They offer their artistic services at events either drawing fine art portraits, digital portraits, live scene paintings, interactive art, event decor and/or visual note taking. The best part is they can travel to where you live anywhere in the world! They have worked with major companies such as, Ferrari, Sony, L'oreal, NBC, Univision, Verizon, Mastercard, Audi, Macys, and the Hilton just to name a few. Definitely looking forward to having them for an event!


✤ ✤ ✤

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