Apr 5, 2021

Taking a RV Road Trip to Lake Lanier



This past week I took a road trip to Lake Lanier with my boyfriend and his family. We rented a huge RV and decided to take a 12 hour road trip from Miami to Georgia. It was quite the adventure. I am not an outdoorsy girl, I am definitely a city girl but it was a cool experience. I definitely think everyone should try new experiences at least one. 


We left Tuesday morning and arrived that same night. We parked in our spot and started to unload everything but we were so tired we decide to go to bed early. That alone was an adventure because we needed to expand the RV and bring out and down the beds. As you see the dining table became a bed, so did the sofa and the roof above the drivers seat lowered down to reveal a hidden bed! I wish that was the craziest part of the night but it wasn’t. 

So after we had booked everything and decided to go to Lake Lanier we heard that the lake was haunted. Apparently there are over 200 people who have gone missing in the lake. The theory of why it is haunted is because that is a manmade lake that was built over several cemeteries. How creepy! After we heard this and watched like three documentaries on this we were like ok too late it is what it is we are going. Well…the first night we went to bed we heard noises like someone was trying to open the door of the RV to get in. I got so scared and everyone heard it. My boyfriend’s cousin got and he went outside to check who it was or what was going on. There was no one… so we went back to bed, 20 minutes later we heard it again and again. I was petrified, I decided to say a prayer and then it stopped. It never happened again that night or any other night! How crazy! So if you are thinking of going just make sure you pray and you will be ok. Lol.

The next morning we woke up and put all the beds away and started cooking inside the RV. It was fun but we were ready to get out of the RV and wonder around the park. The weather was perfect, cool enough for my brown and black patterned crop knit jumper with a pair of jeans. We wondered around and found some cute cabins with little fire pits and some chairs to hangout in.

That evening we hung about outside of the RV and made BBQ. It was so nice and relaxing. The next day was a bit more of a challenged because it rained all day, so it got very cold. Or at least what this Miami girl thinks is cold lol. The good thing was I was prepared. I wore my stone oversized split knitted jumper with some leggings and my rain boots. I know it was going to rain so I was prepared lol. The good thing is it stopped for split second for me to take this picture to show you my look!

The following day was a lot more fun! We rented a pontoon boat, I had never been on a pontoon boat. It was so much fun. It is basically a big couch cruising on the lake lol. Even though our resort was an island around Lake Lanier there were plenty of other mini islands. We decided to beach the boat and jump off and wander the little island. The weather was sunny but still cold so I wore a long sleeve cardigan with a white long sleeve top, leggings and some booties just to be chic! 

Once the trip was over we had a long ride back, 12 hours to be exact! All I wanted was to be comfortable because I knew the moment I got off the RV I was going straight to my bed! This grey ribbed belted loungewear set that also comes in a bunch of beautiful colors! It is so soft and comfy I might just also get another in pink!

✤ ✤ ✤


  1. Wow! That sounds like a fantastic trip. I appreciate how you've shared your moments from the journey. I'd also like to share about a beautiful place in Mexico, which is Cancun. Cancun is renowned for its stunning beauty and is a highly popular tourist destination in Mexico. It offers a diverse selection of accommodations that cater to various budgets and preferences. Many people are interested in traveling to Cancun, and there are places to stay in cancun, including resorts, hotels, beachfront cabanas, and more. I hope you get the chance to visit this remarkable place.

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